I should have known the12volt would have it! (Though I have Use Forum Codes enabled yet it didn't format my [ s ] above... maybe upper case sensitive (unlike others)? - but that's now irrelevant.)
This reminds me of what I like about the12volt.com:
- Forum Post Notification emails contain the reply text - hence you don't have to visit the12volt to see if you need to reply etc;
- the above emails occur for every reply [hence one can see what replies were deleted, or modified (compare email to reply text)];
- edits and deletions are only possible for some (over a threshold post count etc) and only possible if there is hasn't been a subsequent reply (at least for me).
Whilst I'd normally consider the above a pain, on the 12volt I like it.
For sites that merely send the Notification link without the reply text, getting all notifications is a pain. (But most only send the first notification until you login again.)
Whilst I dislike not being able to edit at any time (with forum added "last updated by ... at date-time" info), since my experience at another forum where - after pages of "discussion", attempted face saving and later personal attacks - the "over 20 years of experience" loser deleted all of his (or her) incriminating posts.
Others have back edited to correct errors - and sometimes hence make others look foolish.
With "revision mode" editing the above is fine, but most do not have that. (IE - no text deleted, merely struck-thru and new text appended.)
The only such edits we can do is if it's still the last reply, after that, it's "locked".
FYI - if I do a significant last-post edit (which do not send Notifications), I'll delete it and re-post it. Hence the new Notification
updates recipients. (And the thread goes to the top of the Recent Posts list (I think).)
My main negative to the above is if people don't read later replies to check for corrections - that can be dangerous (for them).
But when I correct old replies, I include when and highlight what was changed. If significant, I may add a new reply that informs of the error/correction to my Reply #xyz on <date>. But that's me - I'm into traceability - it's part of a "Quality" approach. (I don't mind admitting errors, that why IMO the12volts' "locking" of info has advantages.)
Apols for the ramble, but I figured it's a good place to praise the12volt (yet again) for its features and response to user needs (dare I say Customer needs??). And maybe I've provided some useful Modus Operandi for others to consider. (Honestly, undated documents and "uncontrolled" are destroying mass evolution.)
Oh, that reminds me - searching for info on a 160A alternator I recently obtained, the data sheets had ""UNCONTROLLED COPY" watermarked across each page. Unbelievable! What morons! It reminds me of an esteemed Military project I was working on in the 1990s - but even those "superbly clever" people didn't get it - I though it would be easy to fix that issue, and prevent every page having to be photocopied TWICE (once for the watermark!!). Ironically it was seeing "Uncontrolled" stamped on wall calenders and posters that probably swung me into accepting that job - I liked their sense of humor. But it wasn't humor. On my second day I confirmed that I wanted out (which took 2 years to achieve).
Ooops - that was uncontrolled
bitching rambling!
PS - I back-edited for better expression. I should have Preview Posted...!